Wednesday, February 3, 2010

week 4 Tutorial; scratch

In one of the tutorials there was an introduction to scratch and then in one of the interviews which Holly Ludgate had with Ron Smith he spoke about scratch also for education purposes. I am pretty challenged with new information. It takes a moment for me to assimilate it and determine how I can apply it to my own uses or purposes. Then a wonderful thing happened I googled and I found that people have been using scratch for second life and then all my dreams were realized. Instead of having to learn linden labs coding (which for me the learning curve has bottomed out temporarily) I can use scratch to have even more interactivity within second life and with the characters I create and animate.  I am now forever connected to my computer like a borg. Thank Apple for the IPad to relieve my lower back and carpel tunnel woes.

What is Scratch for Second Life (S4SL)?
S4SL is a new easy way to add behaviors and interactivity to your objects in Second Life. S4SL is based on a new easy way to add behaviors and interactivity to your objects in Second Life. S4SL is based on Scratch, a graphical programming language that lets you construct programs by snapping together graphical blocks. With S4SL, you can snap together a few blocks to make your SL pet interact with you using chat commands, make your sculpture change size and color, or make your house respond to your presence.

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