Thursday, January 21, 2010

wk 2 comment

Does Web2.0 tools applied in the corporate world make the users better communicators?
maryseitherJan 17, 2010 23:12:02 GMT Share

I chose to do my thesis on Teaching Web2.0 Tools to Administrative Assistants. Seems like the thesis as become a main theme of my week 2 blog. I will have “thesis” on my brain all this coming week so why not share it with everyone. When ever I hear the term Web2.0 its usually closely followed with in education. That t is expected in an education Master Degree program like EMDT. All the graduate students where the majority are K-12 educators are bound to hear and talk on how any technology applies to education especially to K-12 public schools. Being one of a few non K-12 educators in this course, I am rogue enough to stand up and shout “enough about the kids because they no longer respond to learning through reading and writing like my generation who were better prepared for their adult working years (gasping for air).” K-12 Education is now being taught with games, videos, social networking, and websites. Adults are also quickly catching on to this modern method of learning but so few in the corporate world know much about Web2.0 tools. You do see plenty of adult workers working around with a smart phones attached to their ears lobes anywhere you look. Other than holidays, I forgot the last time I received a written letter from a friend. Now its all about email, twitter. YahooIM, ichat, Skype and Facebook where I mostly communicate with all my friends, family members and aquaintances living far away or just the other side of town. If you have spend at least 15 minutes a day online, you have probably have used countless Web2.0 tools. Ohoh, I am running on with my words here and the deadline time to download is near. To answer the title question Does Web2.0 tools applied in the corporate world make the users better commuicators? My answer: NO especially if they already lack verbal and written communication skills but, they sure can have more fun practicing to be better communicators! One last thing and I am out of here… be sure and stop by GO2WEB20 and check out all the latest Web2.0 tools soon!

BriGette Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
January 21, 2010 at 4:21 am | Reply
Thank you Mary for reminding me about the go2web20 site. I had forgotten to check back to it in the last months or so.
Now about your thesis I do believe that when people are trained properly on the tools and know the tools limitations and best practices for that tool they become better communicators because the tools they use assist them with reaching more effectively their audience. For instance bringing the daily financial stats to a meeting from the accounting department to a bunch of engineers or explaining work flow to someone who starts or ends the work flow process will take pictures or mind maps, work flow diagrams, financials diagrams. When we understand better the information and its limiting factors we can ask more clarifying questions and in business get to the root cause of issues. This is especially true with quality initiatives which use six-sigma for project management. A web 2.0 tool could assist with phone coverage amongst a clerical pool where a few of the clerks are inevitably late by alerting them by email and a telephone reminder. In a legal office the paralegals from different areas could share a google doc to complete documentation for a brief which they could never get the same schedule to do at the same time. I could be incorrect. I just thought I would share. Much success to you on your thesis!

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