Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 1 Universe of Possibility

Each chapter is a map for moving toward transformation. I read this one and actually felt the process of stepping into this "new"  universe - possibility. I started thinking about all of the songs, short stories and ideas for books that I never put to paper or never completed. I started thinking about the possibility of completing these works. Not concerned with how many people are out there writing and publishing but that there are lots of people who are "waiting" to hear what I have to say. I mean that revolutionized my thinking. It started me to thinking about my writings on PTSD and MST and how much information and research I had done long before it was on CNN. I started thinking about the new perspective that I have. I finally became open after all this time. I am looking at the infinite possibilities that are available to me now. The universe is now saying I am listening and interested what would you like to say to me. Wow.. somethings are not easily articulated. I do know that I am excited to press on through these assignments to learn more about myself and others through this process.

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