Day by day I said. That is how I take the issue of forgiveness. I have both the world view and the religious view on forgiveness. I also have both on judgement as well. Would you serve a country with everything that you have even though that county had just recently 'given" you the legal right to be a person? Would you give a gift to a neighbor who repeatedly let their dog out that dug up your expensive plants. Could you envite to your home for holiday festivities the person who killed your only child who was enrolled to go to college this past fall? Would you? Could you? Could you see your rapist every day work with them and even serve with them during war time AND fight to defend them if they were in harms way?
See for women and men who served in military uniform and are MST survivors it's amazing to me to even fathom forgiveness. Real forgiveness. The kind of forgiveness that says I will go out of my way to make sure that you are ok, IN SPITE OF, what you did to me. I absolutely struggle with the 70 times 70 because I can not fathom being in the situation that many times and forgiving. Its hard for me. Sorry, its the truth at my present state. I am weak that way. I have an area in me that says ok I can forgive for this and this but that over there it is too much. My heart would like to be so kind and overlook the thousands and thousands of men and women who abused their position of authority. Willfully, purposely with intent to harm. (shudder). Its not so easy for me.